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February 15, 2025
Saturday Evening 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Don Neely's 10-pc Royal Society Jazz Orchestra,
with Carla Normand
Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Gala
The Ballroom • Lucie Stern Center • 1305 Middlefield, Pale Alto
Tickets $100 per person| • Info: 650.353.6611
Date Correction!
March 8, 2025
Saturday afternoon, 1:00 - 3:30 PM
Don Neely's 10-pc Royal Society Jazz Orchestra,
with Carla Normand
Jazz Bash By The Bay - Monterey, CA
Vintage Jazz Festival With Other Great Bands
Monterey California, right downtown on the beautiful Monterey BayHear the RSJO in concert in Monterey, and if you'd like, dance to our music on two spacious dance floors located on either side of the stage. The RSJO will be giving it their all, playing the spirited, smile-inducing music from the Jazz Age for their central California fans and those flocking in from all around the country. Tickets 888-349-6879
DeAnza Ballroom
Monterey Conference Center
One Portola Plaza
Monterey, CA 93940
April 26, 2025
A Grand Night Of Elegance and Fun!
Art Deco Preservation Ball
"So Long Royal Society Jazz Orchestra! "
The Last Ball With The RSJO!
7:00pm to 11:30pm
Paramount Theatre, Oakland, CA
2025 Broadway, Oakland, CA, 94612
Sponsored by the Art Deco Society Of California
Also performing, "The DecoBelles," and surprise artists to be announced.
Hear and see the Royal Society Jazz Orchestra play their authentic, thrilling, and entertaining repertoire from the
the 1920s & '30s, a.k.a. The "Art Deco Era."
This will be another truly unique and memorable experience because the

Special guest performers and other surprises will delight you before the show and during intermissions. There will be live period-perfect cocktail music prior to the RSJO's downbeat. And there will likely be surprise special guests singing with the band! The exquisitely lovely Decobelles, 15 to 20 charming dancers in their knock-out costumes, will be choreographing another dazzling number to one of our exciting musical arrangements — a highlight of the evening! See the guests decked out in vintage style , dancing the Foxtrot, Charleston, and the Swing, and adding immeasurably to the charming ambiance.
July 19, 2025
Concert Performance Short and Exciting!
Don Neely's 10 pc Royal Society Jazz Orchestra
with Carla Normand
Radio Day By The Bay
A Benefit for the
California Historical Radio Society (CHRS)
The California Historical Radio Society Museum
2152 Central Ave., Alameda, CA
Admission to benefit the CHRS!
Saturday, July 19, 2025
RSJO plays from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM - (Approximate Time)
You can come earlier and get a snack and stroll around the FABULOUS MUSEUM!
The California Historical Radio Society is a fascinating group devoted to the History of Radio in the San Francisco Bay Area, "The Birthplace Of Broadcasting!" Everything from programs, personalities, to antique radios and broadcasting technology of bygone years. Their museum is so interesting because it has on display the artifacts of historic radio days in the Bay Area! There will be a lot to see and hear at this event!
The event will also feature live auctions and sales of vintage Radios and Electronics! Many have been converted to Bluetooth I have been told!
You are invited to also visit their museum which is located across the street from the Veteran's Auditorium!
Does this sound like too much fun or what? We'll likely have a fun hangover!
For more information: https://www.californiahistoricalradio.com
December 1, 2025 -- New Date Confirmation
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Don Neely's 10-pc. Royal Society Jazz Orchestra
with Carla Normand
Rossmoor in Walnut Creek -
You can hardly ask for more, a beautiful mountain lodge-like interior with exquisite acoustics, room for dancing, and music by the Royal Society Jazz Orchestra!
Location: Event Center, 1020 Stanley Dollar Drive, Walnut Creek
Tickets $20 at the door
When you arrive at the gate, tell the gate attendant
"I'm Here for the Dixieland Jazz and the Royal Society Jazz Orchestra!"